Shelly RGBW2 WiFi LED driver
The smallest in-can Wi-Fi device to control any RGB, RGBW LED strip or white LED strip.
The smallest in-wall Wi-Fi device to control any RGB, RGBW LED strip or 4 single-color LED strips with a total power of 288 W. The main advantage is that you will be able to control the light directly from your mobile device.
Wireless communication
No HUB required- Connect Shelly RGBW2 directly to your home Wi-Fi.
Remote control
Control LED lighting in your home, no matter where you are. Now you won't leave the lights on and your house won't receive you in the dark.
Cloud application
Shelly RGBW2 can be integrated and works with all other Shelly devices in the Shelly Cloud app. In addition, as standard control via the MQTT protocol - Integrate without any problems with Domoticz, Home Assistant or HomeBridge.
Voice control
Shelly RGBW2 can be controlled using voice commands using a voice assistant such as Amazon Alexa or Google Home as well as in Apple HomeKit.
Before connecting, disconnect the voltage in the powered circuit. The controller should be installed in a place protected against external conditions, protected against access by third parties.
HomeKit software
The device may have the HomeKit OpenSource software that allows connection to Apple HomeKit and the DOM application. By choosing HomeKit software, you are buying a device with a software change service.